Wednesday, 29 January 2014

Golf Improvement - Be Mindful to Your Conditions

You see, the thing that makes the game of golf so interesting (and challenging!) is that no two games are exactly alike. And certainly, no two shots are exactly alike. Think about it - if every shot on the fairway was a straight shot for 150 yards, and every putt was the same length over the green - you'd master the game in no time. It would be even easier if the weather was always the same (sunny, 72 degrees and no wind). But this type of predictability would drive you to boredom.
Fortunately, the game isn't that predictable. And even seasoned pros have troubles adapting to all the conditions out on the golf course, including:
• Different lies - uphill, downhill, etc.
• Different ground conditions - short grass on the green, medium fringe grass, long grass, sand and everything in between.
• Obstacles - from sprinkler heads to bushes to trees.
• Weather conditions - rain, wind, temperature and humidity.
Now before we get into the details of how to adapt to conditions and deal with hazards, let me talk about one "hazard" you need to keep in the forefront of your mind, one most golfers don't think about, namely, other players.
As you know, there aren't any referees running around the course to make sure you're playing within the rules and respect your fellow players (as well as those who manage the course). That's because it's up to you to follow basic golf etiquette.
At a least, failure to acknowledge and follow basic golf etiquette could lead to dirty looks and scorn from your fellow players. Worse yet, it could lead to you getting banned from a particular course. And worst of all, you could injure someone.
Here they are the basic golf etiquette tips to keep in mind when you're on the course...
• Arrive early. Get to the course at least 30 minutes before your tee off time. Be sure to do any required paperwork, stretching, etc., so that when your tee off time arrives, you're ready to play immediately.
• Keep safety in mind. Don't hit the ball until the players ahead of you are out of range. Watch for other players and golf course staff. Don't even face someone when taking practice swing without a ball, because could send twigs, stones, dirt or other debris flying. Finally, be sure to yell "FORE!" to alert others to your incoming ball.
• Be respectful. Don't create loud noises or other distractions and disturbances.
• Clean up after yourself. Don't leave wrappers, water bottles or other trash on the course. Be sure to push your divots back in and rake out the bunker after use.
• Observe the rules. Each course has its own rules, such as where you can drive the golf carts. Be sure to look for signs - or ask, if necessary. Don't make assumptions.
For more helpful golf tips, please go to my blog and check out my free lessons and videos.

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Tuesday, 28 January 2014

Understanding Gemstones in Jewellery - Pink Sapphire

People select gemstones for a number of reasons, maybe they like the colour of the stone or the shapes it can be made into, or maybe they are buying it to celebrate a big wedding anniversary, or maybe it holds great sentimental value. Whatever the reason for choosing a particular stone it is important to fully understand the gemstone, its limitations and characteristics. This article will concentrate on the Pink Sapphire stone.
Blue sapphires are referred to as sapphire however, any other colours of this gemstone are called 'fancy sapphire' and the pink variety is no exception. Fancy sapphires are from the corundum family of gemstones and obtain their unique colours from varying amounts of iron, titanium and chrome found within the stone. They are available in a wide range of colours from pale baby pink to deep forest green and it is this array of beautiful colours that has earned this family of stones the name 'gem of the heavens' as the colours mirror the colours of the sky at different times of the day.
Pink sapphire is a popular choice for jewellery and is now accepted as a more affordable substitute for pink diamonds. The popularity of this gemstone is due to the vast array of shades from pale pink to vivid magenta. They are very versatile stones and are suitable for a variety of cuts as well as being mounted in gold or white gold. You may often find this stone set alongside blue sapphires which is a striking effect. Pink sapphires set into white gold is increasing in popularity and is often featured in bridal magazines and articles.
Pink sapphires are a relatively hard stone and are suitable for everyday wear however it is recommended that they are removed when undertaking any manual work or if the stone may come into contact with harmful substances to protect the stone from damage. Warm soapy water and a soft toothbrush is an effective way of removing dirt from the setting and stone.
Sapphires have long been prized possessions of emperors, kings and queens and even today royalty give sapphires over diamonds as engagement rings. Sapphires symbolise truth, and faithfulness while fancy sapphires are considered to be an ideal gift for loved ones as they are said to enhance love and banish jealousy.
I hope that by explaining a little about where fancy sapphires come from, their uses and characteristics, I have equipped you with the knowledge to choose, select and care for your beautiful pink sapphire jewellery.
Here at Chapelle we like to provide as much information about jewellery to our customers so they purchase knowing the full characteristics of their chosen piece. Take a look at the beautiful sapphire jewellery on sale at Chapelle.

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Monday, 27 January 2014

Cosmetic Surgery Pain Relief: What's Best Heat or Cold?

I am finding that we receive many of the same questions coming into our blog regularly. Although many of these questions are addressed specifically in the Before/After sections for each procedure, I sense that readers perhaps prefer to get that information in one click. On the top of the list of most frequently asked questions is whether the use of a heating pad or ice pack following cosmetic surgery is effective for pain reduction.
Let me first address if applying heat is best during cosmetic surgery recovery. While heating pads are common home remedies for a number of musculoskeletal ailments and sports injuries, heating pads are not advised during convalescence from cosmetic surgery. A normal part of any surgical procedure is swelling, bruising and pain. Swelling of the skin and subcutaneous tissues not only reduces sensation, but also makes the skin more susceptible to injury.
Nothing feels better when you have a localized painful muscle strain, than a heating pad applied to the area. It goes a long way to relax a muscle spasm and relieve the pain. But we must exercise caution after cosmetic surgery. Small nerves are damaged during surgery, which leaves you with temporary numbness around the surgical site. So you can imagine what happens when you put a hot heating pad on these areas. It is impossible for you to determine the exact temperature of the pad. Normally when the pad gets too hot for comfort, you remove it. This is natural defense mechanism, which is temporarily lost following surgery. The skin is numb and susceptible to being burnt quite easily.
I have seen terrible scarring when patients have unfortunately chosen to use heating pads following cosmetic surgery. I instruct my patients not to use heating pads because of the risk of skin burns and scarring. This risk can remain present and last for six months after surgery during the recovery process.
How about using ice packs to control pain after cosmetic surgery? This answer is not as straight forward, because the answer is a "qualified" yes. Using ice bags after surgery is a commonly recommended practice to reduce postoperative pain, swelling and bruising. The application of cold temperature at or just above freezing temperature (32F or 0C) is an effective and safe way to help in the initial healing and swelling phase. I recommend patients use ice sealed in plastic bags, such as Ziploc style bags, filled with ice and water for this purpose. It is very important to make sure there is water (liquid) in the bag, because this assures that the temperature of the ice is at or just above the freezing temperature of water.
My patients report that nothing feels better than the cooling effect of ice after breast enlargement surgery. Besides feeling good, it helps to reduce the need for narcotic pain relievers. However, we must also be careful with the temperature of the cold application. The same risks are present regarding both heat and cold. Similarly, patients are unable to feel warning signs for potential damage due to the improper use of cold packs.
Ice, gel pads and bagged frozen vegetables applied directly from the freezer will be well below freezing, are too cold and are not suitable. If these are applied to the skin, which is numb and susceptible to injury, frostbite and scarring can result. Therefore, I do not recommend their use. One important exception to any ice application after cosmetic surgery is following fat grafting procedures, because the cold is particularly detrimental to the survival of the grafts. For this reason we do not recommend the use of ice after natural breast enlargement or facial rejuvenation using the fat grafting technique.
Ralph W Bashioum, MD, FACS
Bashioum Cosmetic Surgery Center Ltd
Nipntuck Group
445 Lake Street, Ste 210, Wayzata, Mn 55391
Office: 952.449.4900
Toll Free: 877.nipntuck

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Tip to Help Any Business Make Money Online 1 - It Starts With Writing Quality Content

It is possible for any business to make money online. It doesn't' matter how large or small your company is, or whether or not it's web-based. The truth of the matter is that the internet is the primary medium for customers, employees, partners and investors to do research and therefore, it's where any business should focus a good portion of its efforts.
So how does a business make money online?
Because of the limited nature of this article, we can't go into detail on the virtually limitless ways in which a business can profit from the web. However, what we can do here is to discuss a core essential to allow any internet activity to bear the fruit of positive cash flow. This core essential is good writing. Or perhaps more accurately, great writing.
Before we explain exactly how and why writing is so important to help a business make money online, let's first examine how revenue is generated on the internet. This is important because there are some types of businesses who may not believe the internet is worth a good deal of their attention. Here are just a few examples of the ways in which the web makes money:
  1. Direct sales of products, services and subscriptions.
  2. The selling of website space as advertising space when your website has a high level of traffic.
  3. Affiliate promotion of other related goods or services.
  4. Providing informative and / or entertaining content.
  5. Providing a medium for interaction between your business and those it effects.
  6. Using internet-based publication methods to increase your company's influence and authority.
  7. Directly connecting some or all of the functions of your business to individual computers, phones, mobile devices and The Cloud.
This is hardly a complete detailed list. It's meant only to illustrate the range of possibilities. It's very clear that if you have an online store, membership-based web service or some other online point of sale it's important to make use of the internet. However, no matter how large or small, it's possible that every business can make money online, either directly or indirectly.
How does good writing help my business make money online?
The answer to this question could really be a series of articles, and in fact, that is what we hope to do. The simple answer to the question above is this: Quality writing is so important because when it comes to the internet, content is what we're creating and promoting.
Content, although encompassing graphics, video, audio and text, is still dominated by written information. This is because written information is what search engines can read. Therefore, even if you write the script to and film a great YouTube video, you still have to write a great SEO title, description and keywords. No matter how you swing it, quality writing is what will help a business make money online.
The content that you create is permanent. Once it goes online, it's searched, indexed, linked and shared. Often, once you put something online, especially something good, it will be copied and posted around the web. This is great for you, but keep in mind, it's also forever.
Whenever you are considering how your business can make money online, try to think of each piece of content as an investment. In other words, if you write an article, or pay for it to be written by a quality copywriter, what is the expected effect? It may be that the cash that is generated will come when someone reads the article, then visits your website, then contacts a referral and then comes into your store and makes a purchase in person. So if the article costs you $25 to have written, and it generates a few sales over the next year, is it worth it? And when considering this, what is the negative effect, or the loss of revenue when you don't have the same article written well.
Sometimes it's difficult to see the long-term effects of a piece of copy. To carefully write or pay a good writer to create your internet content for your website, blogs, articles, press releases, advertising and marketing, you are investing in the profitability and influence of your company. This mindset is how you get on the road to your business making money online.
Scott has been offering great copywriting services for many years now and truly understands what it takes to turn business copy into authentic, original and highly-effective content be it for the web, for print or for technical applications. He invites you to visit his website and see all that he has to offer and how he can add influence and profit to your business.
To learn more great writing tips, visit Scott's professional copywriting blog.  You'll have access to a growing list of valuable tips and tricks that will directly affect your profits.

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Sunday, 26 January 2014

Making The Most Of Your Space By Using The Right Waiting Area Furniture

When you have to establish a place for people to sit and wait on something then you have a challenge. You need the waiting area to be attractive, comfortable, inviting, and most of all you need to place as much waiting area furniture in the area as possible. The only way to create a proper waiting room is for you to plan the placement of the pieces before you start to buy, or install them.
Waiting area furniture comes in many different styles. You will see residential furniture used in waiting rooms, you can use folding chairs, there are specially designed chairs with single frames, there are chairs that are attached to a beam allowing several chairs to share one framework, you can use benches, and you can use pews like you see in churches. In order to get the most from your waiting room you will need to choose the right waiting area furniture to install.
Start by emptying the room of all other items. Stand in the empty room and try to envision the furniture in the room. Picture people sitting on the furniture, and the things the people will be doing while they are in the room. Will they be getting up to go to a coffee serving center, will they be getting up to go to the restroom, what will the main walkways be in the room? When you know where the main walkways will likely be in the room you will start to see where the pieces of furniture can be placed.
The amount of time that the average person will have to wait in the room will help you decide what type of furniture to install. Residential style pieces are a lot more comfortable to sit on than most commercial pieces, and some of the commercial pieces that are well padded are more comfortable than the ones with no padding. Think about the people sitting in the chairs, and the length of time they will be in them.
You will need to measure the spots where furniture can be placed to determine what pieces can go in each of those sections. This will help you to decide what styles to buy. Single framed chairs are more comfortable, and inviting to sit in, but they also take up larger amounts of space. If you want to maximize the number of seats you have available you will want to consider items that multiple people can sit on like benches, or beam seating.
If you choose to use beam seating you will be able to position a lot more chairs in the area. Beam seating has several different chair options that bolt to the top of the beam so you can design your area to suit your decor style, and to suit the level of comfort your average waiter will require.
The best way to maximize your seating is to plan the furniture placement out on paper, and then go into the area and do a layout using chalk markings to see if realistically your plans work.
Waiting area furniture can be made up of many different types of furniture. Waiting room furniture should be carefully placed so that the walkways in the area are easy to access. For more information click here.
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Saturday, 25 January 2014

What Is the Definition of Cloud Computing and What Are the Features and Benefits?

Cloud Computing may be defined as the remote connection of devices across the Internet to hosted servers that store, manage, and process data in "the cloud." "The cloud" is used as a metaphor for the Internet because the Internet is a network that allows any device with a public Internet Protocol (IP) address to connect to any other device with a public IP address "out there in 'the cloud' of Internet-connected devices."
Before the Internet, Open Systems Interconnection (OSI) model layer 2 connections between devices on closed Local Area Network (LAN) or Wide Area Networks (WANs) were depicted with lines that remained constant in the network diagram. Dynamic network connections that change as users surf the Internet, did not exist until layer 3 IP routing emerged.
The virtual connectivity of IP routing over the Internet presents a documentation problem for network engineers because dynamic IP stack layer 3 connections are virtual at layer 3 instead of static at layer 2 in the OSI model. With users surfing the web at the same time, it is impossible to diagram the layer 3 IP connections among each Internet-connected device as the virtual connections change as users surf. So, instead of blacking out network diagrams with lines to depict billions of potential Internet connections that constantly change, "the cloud" represents the haze of virtual Internet connections that frequently change.
NIST Definition of Cloud Computing
According to the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST), "Cloud computing is a model for enabling ubiquitous, convenient, on-demand network access to a shared pool of configurable computing resources (e.g., networks, servers, storage, applications, and services) that can be rapidly provisioned and released with minimal management effort or service provider interaction."
NIST Characteristics of Cloud Computing
According to the NIST, the characteristics of cloud computing include (1) on-demand self-service, (2) resource pooling, (3) rapid elasticity, (4) measured service, (5) broadband network access, (6) scale, and (7) velocity.
Cloud Computing Service Models
1. Software as a Service (SaaS) delivers applications through a web browser interface that is accessible over the Internet World Wide Web.
2. Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS) outsources the equipment required by subscribers to support business operations such as storage, hardware, servers and other networking components. The equipment is owned by the service provider who is responsible for the hosting cost while the client pays on a usage basis.
3. Platform as a Service (PaaS) offers a hosted development environment that is accessed over the Internet.
Benefits of Cloud Computing
The primary benefits of cloud computing to subscribers are cost savings, flexibility, ease of access, and immediate access. The service platform such as servers, software, and management are paid for by the provider and can be adjusted in flexible increments to fit customer needs and can be accessed over the Internet from anywhere in the world. Subscribers pay for features they require. Adding or subtracting services is dynamic. Cloud-based applications can be deployed in hours, days, or weeks as compared to much longer installation intervals if the same service were to be provided "in-house."
Perhaps most importantly, cloud computing minimizes the time spent on IT activities are are not directly mapped to the company bottom line and focuses the IT staff on tasks that have a much greater impact supporting tangible business goals.
Call David Gilberts @ (310) 487-1778 or email


Thursday, 23 January 2014

How to Choose a Commercial Fridge to Perfectly Suit Your Business

If you run a catering or food business, you will understand the need for an excellent commercial fridge. This article shares some advice on how to choose the best fridge to meet your needs.
Commercial kitchens must meet certain health and safety requirements and laws. These include storing foods at the correct temperature. Keeping raw uncooked foods away from cooked, prepared foods, and ensuring there is no cross-contamination.
This is not as easy as some people think. For example, if your business serves hot and cold food, savoury and sweet, then you will need fridges for raw meats, vegetables and then also, you will need chilled cabinets for the prepared foods. The correct shelving and storage within a commercial fridge is essential to ensure the various foods types are kept separate and remain uncontaminated by raw produce.
Restaurants can be shut down if inspectors find raw meat juices are contaminating baked goods! And who would want to eat a cream cake that previously had raw beef sitting beside it? The best commercial fridge suppliers understand that a fridge or freezer is not just another piece of equipment. These appliances are essential parts of delivering good quality, healthy food to your customers and they are an important part of ensuring your business is operating legally.
Commercial refrigeration is designed to keep foods at much lower temperature so that it can keep for longer. There are guidelines for every type of food, how long it can be stored, and the temperature it should be stored at. The best suppliers will be able to advise you on the models which will suit the type of food you prepare and the amount of produce you need to store.
All restaurants, cafés, coffee shops, cafeterias, and eating establishments need to have the correct chilling and refrigeration equipment in order to keep the food fresh. Commercial fridges are more powerful than domestic appliances. They are also built to stand up to the rigours of a busy commercial kitchen.
Consider the space you have in your premises. If space is at a premium, you may need to consider some re-modelling in order to have room for the large commercial appliances you will need. Think about ease of use too. There is little point situating a fridge in a basement or away from a kitchen when it is needed constantly. Likewise, you may be able to store your freezer elsewhere, away from the busy kitchen floor, since it won't be needed as much during working hours.
The size of your business premises, the number of plates you cover at each sitting and the amount of produce you need to store and display will all contribute to your decision about which appliances to purchase. You can also consider specialty refrigeration like a multideck display fridge, or a chilled patisserie so customers can see the produce that's for sale. These options can also help save space too, since you will be utilizing space in the main body of your establishment. They are also a great way to let customers see the goods that are for sale.
Think carefully before investing in a commercial fridge. Check if the appliance has a warranty, find out what cleaning and maintenance it requires, and above all, ensure you are dealing with an excellent, reputable supplier.
Frost-Tech Ltd is a Commercial Refrigeration Company specializing in patisserie and multi-deck display fridge cabinets. It is also proud to be the sole suppliers of commercial refrigeration to leading global café chains, Cafe-Nero, Costa Coffee, Coffee1 and Wenzel's the baker. The company is a respected specialist supplier of energy efficient commercial refrigeration which has been manufactured to the highest standards and fully tested. The company also offers an excellent delivery, unpacking and installation service for all its commercial refrigerators. For more information please go to

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Rattan Sofa

When moving in to a new home or changing your existing furniture in your living room it is essential to plan with an ideal design in mind. One needs to consider the placement of key furniture pieces as they can differentiate between a mediocre or a well placed setting. A case in point is the primary furniture item in the living room which is generally speaking your sofa set. The sofa is important because when visitors enter into the living room it is the initial big furniture component that visitors get to face and sit in. To put into perspective it represents the main focus of attraction in the room. Due to its strategic significance one needs to be extra careful when selecting the correct sofa. The wrong selection can mean derailing the entire setting out of place.
The choice of a suitable sofa selection is even more difficult with the wide variety that is available in the marketplace nowadays. Apart from leather sofa there is also fabric based sofa, wooden sofa furniture, and even lately synthetic material based sofa. There is also rattan or sometimes it is also known as cane sofa for those who look for something specially unique and exotic. The key material in making rattan sofa is rattan vine. It is basically a very sturdy and durable plant fibre like material found in the tropical countries like Malaysia and Indonesia. Rattan sofa is generally more competitively priced than the other sofas,especially when compared to leather due to the cheaper labour cost in those countries.
Even though rattan sofa is more affordable the quality and finishing is second to none. In fact many home owners have discovered rattan furniture easy to maintain, elegant looking and can easily blend well with most surroundings and decor. The other unique attribute of a rattan sofa is its durability with a lifespan of at least ten to twenty years or even longer if properly maintained. A furniture is only as good it's comfort level and relaxing nature and this the rattan sofa does not disappoint.
If rattan sofa is indeed the choice of your selection there are generally two combination types of rattan living room sets that you can position in the living room. One combination type can be a 3 seater with two single armchairs plus a centre table and a smaller side table. The other popular combination is a 3 seater settee, two single seater armchairs with a centre coffee table and two side tables. From these two main combinations there are a huge variety of designs and sizes to choose from. One can select from the old colonial designs to the more modern contemporary ones using wicker cane. As far as colour is concerned one can opt for the traditional natural finish which is light yellowish or by taking out the skin of the rattan a variety of stained colour finishing from white to green or brown can be obtained. With the wide variety of finishing that rattan sofa sets can have they have yet another distinct advantage and flexibility over wooden and other types of furnishing for enriching your living room comfort.

Wednesday, 22 January 2014

Way to spend less Money

Looking for ways to spend less money with everyday items? Here are a few great suggestions that will help you spend less money every day and the bonus is some of these ways are really painless. There are many ways that you can spend less money each day, what may work for you is to challenge yourself to go a day or two a week and not spend any money. It can be done, it's not easy though. But it is a great challenge.
Cancel memberships you don't use
Are you still paying for memberships that you never use? Do you maybe belong to a gym that you haven't been there in a few months? These memberships can be cancelled and you probably won't even miss it.
Use the unused gift cards
Do you have gift cards laying around that you haven't used? It may be time to use them instead of paying cash or putting items on a credit card. It's probably time to dig out the cards and use them.
Shop for holidays all year
This is one great tip that will really save you money. Buy the items when they are on sale during the year. By the time that the holidays get here you will already have what you need. The discounts that you can get for items will be worth you packing the item away for a few months till you need them. This is also a great way to relieve stress around the holidays worrying about spending so much money on the presents for everyone.
Magazine subscriptions
If you are still getting magazines and you're not reading them you may want to consider cancelling them. The subscriptions may not be much per magazine, but it will add up to quite a bit if you have more than one magazine subscription.
Vacation closer to home
Day trips are great and you probably live near someplace exciting. Pack a lunch and pack everyone in the car and go for a day trip. Not only will you save money, but you will be able to take more trips during the year.
Go through your bills and look for errors
Go over the bills, looking for errors and services that you no longer use. Companies make errors all the time and if you don't catch it you will end up paying for it in the long run. Look over the cable bill; do you have channels on there that you never watch? Do you pay for extra boxes that you don't use, or don't have? Look over the bills monthly.
Finding ways to spend less money will take you a little bit of time, but after all you will be saving money and having the extra cash to do something that you want to do is going to be your reward.
There are many ways to cut back on every day items some ways are really painless ways to save money that you may not of thought of before. Everyone is looking for ways to cut back, ms cheapo has looked and found many ways to save money on everything, from weddings to births you will find ways to bank some dough.

Tuesday, 21 January 2014

Football Asia

Like everywhere else in the world, football is very popular in Asia. Asia has the most populous of the six FIFA confederations; Asians make up a full half of all footballers, all over the world.
In the Asian Football Confederation, there are currently 46 member countries, a testimony to the popularity of the sport in the region. The organization was formed in the Philippines in May of 1954, and was recognized by FIFA as such the next month. Its first major competition was the Asian Cup, held in Hong Kong two years after the confederation's formation. Its headquarters are in Malaysia, and it hosts ten national tournaments, three of them being for women's teams only and one being for youth teams only. There are also three club tournaments: the AFC Champions League, the AFC Cup, and the AFC President's Cup.
As Asia has some extremely small countries in it, there are basically two teams for every country: a men's team and a women's team. Unlike other countries, such as the United States or the United Kingdom, when referring to team names, one only has to refer to the country.
Despite the fact that it is the Asian Football Confederation, participation is not limited to only those of Asian descent. For example, a Serbian coach of the Chinese national team, Vladimir Petrovic, is obviously not Chinese, nor even Asian, but Eastern European. Though not typical in the AFC, this is also not rare, and definitely not unheard of.
As anyone can see, Asia is a key component of this world's obvious fascination with football. Hosting fully half of the entire world's players, Asia's continued participation in world football is vital to the improvement of the game. Football clearly brings the world together, despite our many differences. Keep this in mind the next time you watch a game!!!
FIFA Soccer 08 was released last year, but that doesn't make its rating any less: an 8.5 on a 10 point scale. It runs at about $50-$60 at the major retailers.


James Griffiths

Monday, 20 January 2014

Financial Freedom

Have you ever envisioned the thought "What if I can be financially free?" How wonderful it would be...
1) No more working from hand to mouth, just enough to pay bills, and loans, repeating this for the rest of your working career. Yikes... right
2) No more endless hours at work just trying to prove yourself in this endless rat race, because even if you win, you are still a rat.
3) The ability to enjoy life truly, spend more quality time with your family, bring your family to vacations, or to nice restaurants whenever you like
4) The ability to pamper yourself with indulgences which you were not able to do previously
Nice thoughts. But you probably think i am just a day-dreamer? Well yes, and no.
Yes, because day-dreaming inspires me with new ideas on how to lead a better quality and more fulfilling life; afterall we only live once, so lets make it all worthwhile!!
No, because with new ideas, we can analyze the various opportunities, and decide on the most viable and effective approach, and drive towards it. With ideas comes opportunity, with opportunity comes Action, with Action comes Results!
Hence, today I would like to share with you some Essential Money Skills that will start to make you a better person at maximizing your cash on hand to be one step closer to financial freedom.
Quote from Benjamin Franklin
"The way to wealth, if you desire it is as plain as the way to market. It depends chiefly on two words, industry and frugality; that is waste neither time nor money, but make the best use of both."
7 essential money skills all people should be equipped with:
1) Value Money
2) Control Money
3) Save Money
4) Invest Money
5) Make Money
6) Shield Money
7) Share Money
Essential Money Skills (1) - Value Money
Do you value money? Do you know the implications of losing money today and the impact on your future value? Do you spend almost all your monthly salary, and have nothing to save? Guilty? You are not ALONE.
Unless we start to value the importance of money, we will not fully appreciate the value of work, the need for saving, and the power of accountability.
It is very important to account for all your money, to know in details your income and expenses, which helps you know if you are only barely meeting life's requirements, or you have surplus cash to manipulate with.
Essential Money Skills (2) - Control Money
I believe like most people, you have only one source of income which is your JOB. This is the source of income which will pay for all your own and family expenses, and which is one which you have to keep working in order to continue this income source. What if you are sick for an extended period and cannot continue working?
The only way to overcome this situation is to have multiple streams of income. Only when this is achieved will you truly face financial freedom, and start to enjoy life freely.
Essential Money Skills (3) - Save Money
Even if you have tons of money, if you don't save it, you wont have any surplus money to spare and grow new money. This is termed "Cash-Flow Management". You need to increase the input and reduce the output; this surplus is your ultimate secret to financial growth. With surplus cash on hand, there are various investment tools in the market which can leverage your portfolio, and potentially lets you grow lots of money using your existing money base.
Essential Money Skills (4) - Invest Money
Some of the common investment tools in the market currently include stocks, shares, equities, bonds, property, and also internet sales. With so many choices, it is best to go through the details with an experienced financial planner who can help you make informed decisions on how to invest smart and effectively. Do be wary though of salespersons who are only interested in selling high commission products but which do not fit into your long-term plans.
Essential Money Skills (5) - Make Money
Once you have chosen your investment path, it is time to sit back and have some patience and watch the money grow. "Money grows on the trees of patience"
Essential Money Skills (6) - Shield Money
When you have money, you know it does not come easy, so the next step is to shield it. To protect it and stock it aside for a rainy day, or to use for further investments. However, you should at least keep a liquid cash saving which can last you around one and a half year just in case.
Essential Money Skills (7) - Share Money
With more cash on hand, you can now achieve what i mentioned at the start of the article. To be able to spend more quality time with your family, bring your family to vacations, or to nice restaurants whenever you like, and the ability to pamper yourself with indulgences which you were not able to do previously. You could also potentially quit your current job and pursue your true interest. Isn't that you and me have been desiring all this while.
To conclude, I believe that you are just like me seeking the route to financial freedom. "Time and Tide wait for no man". Hence, it is very crucial for you to start planning today, and to put the 7 essential money skills to use daily.


Jimmy Lee

Sunday, 19 January 2014


Whenever you play a badminton game or match, you will inevitably be playing a tactical game, even if you don't know it. This may be very simplistic, especially for beginners when hitting the shuttle to the rear court followed by "dinking" the shuttle just over the net is all the player knows and needs.
I love tactical badminton. It's the one area where the right tactics can completely swing the game in your favour if properly executed. Tactics can also be the great leveller when playing a pair who are slightly better equipped in their skillset. I'm not talking about a huge divide here but sufficient to win.
If tactics are so critical in achieving a positive result in a match i.e. a win, why is it so few players, especially at intermediate level even consider applying a tactical approach to enhance their chances of winning?
This has intrigued me for a long time. So I began talking to players before they walked onto court. The results amazed me...
Most players I interviewed hadn't even discussed their opponents, never mind worked out a way to beat them. In fact, they rarely communicate throughout the match. All I could fathom from watching was an idea that when they were losing they needed to "try harder."
Generally this "trying harder" resulted in a short burst of intensity and a more aggressive attitude.
Occasionally this will work, but for the most part it's sadly lacking and will not help you win. Generally club badminton players are unable to maintain this intensity and run out of steam. Or they do not have the skills to execute shots at this level with any degree of consistency or accuracy which then leads to more errors.
Advanced players tend to have a far greater understanding of their strengths and weaknesses. They are also capable of assessing the relative strengths and weaknesses of the opposition and quickly adapt their tactics to change the game. They also tend to possess the racket and movement skills to carry out their change in tactics.
So how does an intermediate player bridge the gap and learn what the advanced players know?
In this series of articles I intend to answer this question and also discuss ways in which advanced players can increase their own tactical capabilities.
Let's begin...
First of all you need to critically assess your strengths and weaknesses. How do you do this? In its simplistic form you need to consider in which areas of the court you are most comfortable and least comfortable. This acts as a guide only but would suggest you are strongest where you are most comfortable and weakest in the areas where you are least comfortable. Easy.
Let's take an example. If you're most comfortable in the forecourt then it's more likely you are stronger at the net than perhaps the rear court.
Ask your club mates and badminton partner where they consider you are strongest and weakest, you may be surprised at the information they tell you. There is a potential flaw here as we need to establish how they are rating you. Are they rating you against yourself or comparing you to them or other players in the club. Ideally, you need to ensure they rate you purely based on your court prowess comparing your abilities in different areas of the court.
It's worth taking this one stage further to close off the first part of this article. Let's delve a little deeper and create a score chart without becoming overly technical... that comes later as you progress.
I've created a simple checklist where you score your ability in each area out of 10 for BOTH consistency and accuracy. The scoring system is simply 0-10 where 0 means you cannot play a shot at all and 10 means you can play it perfectly with extremely high levels of both consistency and accuracy.
Be honest otherwise you are only deluding yourself presenting a totally unrealistic picture of your capabilities.
  1. Low Serve
  2. Flick Serve
  3. Drive Serve
  4. Serve Return
  5. Forehand Clear
  6. Forehand Drop Shot
  7. Forehand Smash
  8. Backhand Clear
  9. Backhand Drop Shot
  10. Defence
  11. Drive
  12. Net Shot
  13. Net Kill
  14. Movement To Rear Court
  15. Movement Around Mid Court
  16. Movement To Forecourt
Of course I could have added to this list including straight shots and cross courts. If you wish to add these in then be my guest. However, for the sake of creating a starting point, I consider there are enough shots and skills listed to get a good feel for how this works.
In my opinion an intermediate player will rarely score more than 50% for any shot, with the possible exception of serve. So think very carefully as you complete this table.
In the next part of this article, you'll learn how to use this information, how to take a snapshot of this to assess your doubles partner and how to use this as a check list to assess your opponents.
Paul Stewart is an Advanced Badminton Coach based in Cheshire, UK.
He offers one-to-one coaching locally and runs weekend residential courses usually based at Lilleshall National Sports Centre, Shropshire.
He was Head Coach for Greater Manchester Junior Badminton Association between 1995-1999 regularly running 2 squads at weekends. The highlight of coaching these squads was attaining a medal for third place at the 1999 ICT tournament. The ICT is considered the pinnacle of the county junior calendar and is the most highly sought after for team places.
Further badminton coaching & training articles and videos can be found on his badminton blog


Saturday, 18 January 2014

Keep Your Racing Car's Engine Clean Without Spending

All those who engage in car racing,heck, all those who drive know the crucialness of a clean engine. In my case, a clean racing engine engine is synonymous to a flawless and speedy run. Over the years, I have learned through my dad, my uncle, my friends and my racing buddies ways on how to keep my racing car's engine clean.
You may wonder that my dad did give some pointers considering he hates when I race. Well, I got it the old fashion way, I told it was for homework. Sounds juvenile and underrated, but it worked. And he did give me my first motor cycle. But then, that's another story.
Engines of racing cars have some major differences compared to normal cars. One of the cutting edge parts of a topnotch racing car's engine is the Tracecut software, that allows the duplication of ideal port and combustion chamber designs and also generates NC code which is needed to machine the profiles in aluminum heads. Well, I want to talk English here so let's leave that part for my next post.
As I've said, I have collected through the years a number of how-to's when it comes racing car engine maintenance. But mind you, maintaining a racing car is very costly. Owning a racing car is an investment. You've got to put your heart and soul into it, and your bank account as well. If you want to be a professional car racer, meaning you want to race in Daytona, then be prepared to write a huge amount in your checking account.
Practical tips
The advise that I'll be giving is for your day-to-day living with your racing car. Have come up practical how to's on maintaining your racing car's engine right in your own garage.
1. Do a daily check of your tires.
2. Make sure your steering and front suspension are appropriately aligned.
3. Apply the thinnest viscocity recommended by your car manufacturer.
4. Always keep your fuel and air filtr free of dust.
5. Use the appropriate fuel for your car. Gas is 3 dollars a gallon. There.
6. Don't be easily fooled by tv car ads selling "must-haves". Consult with pros.
7. Don't warm up your car more than the time it should be done. Just stick to the clock. Excess is not good.
8. Start your day with a checkup
Do these ways possibly at the start of the day. That way, if you see any striking inconsistencies, you have the whole day to guard it at the mechanics. The ways don't require any spending but a great deal of observation and feeling your car.
Telling from experience
Not trying to play the racing car specialist here. As you have seen, these are practical and simple ways to keep your racing car engine clean. The experts definitely have more sophisticated ways to maintain racing cars and some are kept within their walls. At the end of the day, keeping it clean matter the most. I know we all treat our wheels like they're alive and kicking. Well, they actually are. For those who race, be it professionally or just for the passion, our racing cars are the extension of ourselves. And a clean racing car engine is the reflection of what we feel and think and act upon.
Though his life seem figured out and grounded as a neurosurgeon, Vastine has one interesting and risky hobby, motor and car racing. It is only in racing racing blog that he can openly share how he sneaks out to race in the mountains of Chengdu and all things imaginable and unimaginable about his motor and car racing.


Vastine Chater

Friday, 17 January 2014

Fascinating Vietnam

All Vietnam tours are designed to expose travelers to the amazing scenery that makes up the Vietnam terrain. In just one country you'll see massive mountains, pristine coastlines, expansive rice fields, and a mixture of tropical and subtropical climates that creates a vast texture of traveling experiences. Taking Vietnam tours is the easiest way to see the very best of this beautiful country so that you don't miss the important places that make Vietnam the popular destination it is today.
One of the most requested sights people ask for when embarking on Vietnam tours is the rural experience. Many people appreciate that Vietnam tours give them a taste of the urban life of Vietnam and the country life as well. When taking Vietnam tours in the country areas, you'll be delighted to see people tending to their rice fields using ancient techniques, children playing alongside beloved farm animals, and the humble architecture that spots the mountainous country landscape.
Hanoi, Hue, Saigon, and Halong are some of the most popular places Vietnam can take you. The Vietnam area is so vast that many people try to cover as much ground as possible in one trip. Using a professional Vietnam tours company ensures you'll get the most out of your time in Vietnam without the stress of trying to be in too many places at once.
The topic is incomplete without mentioning the cuisine that Vietnam has to offer. From the urban to the rural areas of Vietnam you'll be able to explore an exotic and palatable menu that will delight and inspire you. Vietnam is known throughout the world for its unique and tasty spin on traditional Asian cuisine, and experiencing this great food first-hand in Vietnam is something no one ever forgets.
If you want a truly rich cultural experience with your Vietnam, don't pass over Hue. This ancient city is the old imperial capital city where you'll find everything from rulers' palaces to tombs, pagodas, and temples in the unique styling of Vietnamese design. Hue is a favorite place to take Vietnam tours for those who are interested in the true depth of history that Vietnam offers. In addition, Hue offers some of the most ancient and complex cuisine you'll find anywhere in Vietnam!
If you want a few moments of quiet from the bustling Vietnamese culture when on Vietnam tours, make time to visit the Mekong Delta, Mui Ne, and Phu Quoc. These slow-paced villages will frame some of the most amazing scenery Vietnam has to offer and will entice you to take a break and simply rest for a while. Vietnam tours that focus on these special areas will ensure you get time on white sand beaches where relaxation is the main agenda. The water and beach atmosphere in Vietnam is famous throughout the world for a very good reason.
Hanoi is another popular destination for people. Hanoi is the current capital of Vietnam and is a favorite destination for all people taking Vietnam tours from around the world. Ho Chi Minh is a sight to be seen, and many people say that seeing this amazing space in person is the highlight of their Vietnam trip. Hanoi is another great place on Vietnam tours to experience the best cuisine and local beer that Vietnam has to offer. Hanoi is where the modern energy of Vietnam is most lively, and where you'll get to see how Vietnam is evolving into the future.
Hoi An is the true souvenir destination. This creative city bustles with countless tailors, craftsmen, and artisans who work with ancient and modern Vietnamese art styles side-by-side. Vietnam is famous for clothing, and a Hoi An stop on your Vietnam tours will show you why. In just a couple of hours you can have clothing custom tailors to suit you using your own hand-selected fabrics. You can also find the biggest variety of traditional arts and crafts that Vietnam has to offer in this charming city.
Vietnam tours are the best way to experience everything Vietnam has to offer in the most inexpensive and thorough way. If you love the culture of Asia, Vietnam has to be on your list of places to experience soon!


Alejandro Guevara Onofre

How to find best Laptop

Computers have come to play a huge role in the day-to-day running of activities for many individuals. Laptops have become very common since they offercomputer services without the bulkiness of a PC. Careful consideration must be made before making a choice on the best laptop for you. You do not want to regret the purchase you have made once it is in your possession.
It is important that you lay out all the features that the utility should offer. This will of course be dependent on what you will use it for, since different features will serve special purposes. Knowing what you want makes the decision process much easier, as options that do not meet your needs are quickly eliminated.
These laptops are portable, thus making them convenient than personal computers. However this may still not be convenient for those who constantly travel and have to regularly communicate using the device. A net book is a more preferred option in such case, since it is compact and is also equipped with built in functions such as Ethernet and Wi-Fi to enable internet connection. This will ensure communication is maintained.
You find that a notebook serves basically the same purpose as a net book, but is somewhat larger. This therefore means that knowing what size you want is important when making your purchase. The functions that you are looking for, will help you determine the size of the device you want for your needs. If among your functions is entertainment, then a larger screen will give you better service. However for other uses, a note book will serve you best.
If you are a college student, you might want to focus on the RAM offered by the device. Since you will need to carry out much research for your academic papers, whilst keeping up with your friends on various social networks, you will probably have many programs running at the same time. Most devices get slowed down by a large number of programs, but not one with RAM large enough to handle them.
Storage space also plays a part in this decision process. Documents take up less, whilst video files, games and audio take up a lot more. Depending on the types of files you want to use and store, you want to consider a laptop which offers a suitable amount of storage space.
The price is also another factor while making your purchase. It is widely accepted that what you cannot afford, you cannot have it. When buying, the amount allocated for the purchase will play part in the choice you make. It is also good to know that different brands have different prices though features are the same.
Selecting the best laptop for your needs can be a simple process if you make all the necessary considerations. A well though out decision is vital for you to make the most out of your investment. Take the time to think about what you want, and the benefits will ultimately become obvious.


 Harvey Pinkman

Thursday, 16 January 2014

Island Beaches

Island Beaches in Malaysia Malaysia and Borneo are hot and humid all year round, that makes it the perfect place to visit for some amazing island beaches. The beaches attract tourists from all over the world; many of the islands are even home to marine national parks. If you want a variety of water activities to keep you occupied or just want to laze around, then Malaysia and Borneo is definitely for you. Malaysian beaches are safe for women, single travellers and families. The mouth-watering local cuisines on offer from passing vendors are an added attraction to a beach visit. Dotted throughout the tropical seas of Malaysia are probably the most beautiful islands in South-East Asia. No matter which direction you are heading, you're sure to find a beach to fall in love with.
Perhentian Islands: Kecil and Besar Off the east coast of the Malaysian

Peninsula you'll find the Islands of Perhentian; these islands have been a must-stop place for budget travellers for many years, especially the smaller isle of Perhentian Kecil. These islands are part of the Redang Island Marine Park and cover some of the world's most irresistible beaches, along with world-class diving and plenty of authentic Malaysian accommodation.
If you are a party goer head over to the popular Pasir Panjang (Long Sand) on the east coast of Perhentian Kecil for some action. Alternatively try Teluk Aur (Coral Bay) on the west coast of the biggest island, Perhentian Besar; this is a more upper-class and has a family friendly resort, with quiet beaches.
Pulau Lang Tengah: For peace and quiet, head to Pulau Lang Tengah, this is the least touristy of all the islands. The reef around the island is a protected nature reserve and offers some fantastic Malaysian snorkelling and diving. If you're looking for a place to get away from it all and need little more to keep you happy than tranquillity in beautiful natural surroundings, you'll find Lang Tengah is a perfect escape.
Pulau Langkawi: Let's head west now to Langkawi, the beaches on this well-developed island are regarded as some of the world's most secluded and picturesque by many travel specialists. If you are looking for action, try the lively Pantai Cenang, fringed by waterfront bars and restaurants. Next to it is the more laid back and family friendly Pantai Tengah. Head north to the sandy stretch of Tanjung Rhu (Cape Rhu) for natural beauty with mangroves, limestone caves, cliffs and a great view of the little islands nearby.
Pulau Sipadan and Pulau Tiga: Flying over to Borneo you'll find the diver's paradise of Sipadan and Pulau Tiga. I would definitely recommend planning a couple of days on one of the islands either at the start or end of your trip.
Pulau Tiga Marine National Park has soared to fame as 'Survivor Island' because of the popular TV series 'Survivor'. This is the exact island that the entire first series was filmed. Need more reasons to visit the island? How about amazing scenic views and sunsets, floral diversity with trees that have never been logged, a range of fauna from birds, insects, reptiles and marine life unique to the island, mud baths/volcanoes and incredible coral reefs.
Sipadan is located east from the town of Tawau, off the coast of Sabah and has been rated as one of the top 10 dive destinations in the world. For a unique experience head to the Turtle Tomb which lies underneath the island. This contains a labyrinth of tunnels and chambers that contain skeletal remains of turtle that have become lost before finding the surface. Want to see bales of green and hawksbill turtles nesting and mating, schools of barracuda and trevally in tornado-like formations, or over 3000 species of fish? Then Sipadan is for you.


Wednesday, 15 January 2014

Grilling Burger

Grilling burgers is something just about everyone who owns a grill has done. Some of us grill burgers more than others, but not everyone does it the same. It may sound simple enough, but creating the perfect burger is something of an art form. Here are some tips that can turn your ordinary burger into the talk of the town.
Ground Chuck is Better
Most people who are planning on cooking burgers will typically just buy whatever ground beef is available at their local supermarket. What they do not know is that buying the right type of ground beef will make a huge difference in taste. Instead of just buying regular ground beef, you should instead look for ground chuck. You should always buy ground chuck when buying meat for your burgers when you can. Ground chuck may not always be available, but when it is, you are better off spending a little bit more money to buy it.
The More Fat the Better
Just like you would look for marbling when buying steaks, you want to look for fat when buying ground beef for your burgers. The more fat in the ground beef the juicier the burger will be. A juicier burger makes for happier family and friends. Ground chuck has more fat than regular ground beef and thus will make a juicier and tastier burger.
Season Generously
Another mistake many people make is not seasoning their ground beef enough before grilling. Ground beef is not very tasty in and of itself so make it a habit of seasoning early and often. You should season your burgers generously with salt, pepper and your other favorite seasonings.
Direct Heat
Prepare your grill to cook your burgers using direct heat. The temperature of your grill should be medium to high. To check the temperature of your grill, place your hand palm down about 6 inches above the grill. If you need to remove your hand after 2 to 3 seconds your grill is ready. Keep the grill cover on as much as possible while cooking your burgers.
Do Not Over Handle Your Burgers
You do not want to keep flipping your burgers over and over. Ideally you want to flip your burgers just once. Burgers are usually ready to flip when they do not stick to the grill. Using a spatula is any easy way to check if your burgers are ready to flip.
Adding Cheese
If you want to add cheese, do so in the last minute of cooking. Doing so any earlier will over cook and over melt the cheese.
Using these tips for grilling burgers will help you create juicer and better tasting burgers. Your friends and family will love them and so will your palette.


 Chad Stephens